Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) - What is it?
CST Therapy - Benefits for Adults
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a non-invasive, light-touch hands-on therapy that enhances the body's natural capacity for healing. For 30 years CST has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of physiological issues associated with pain and loss of biomechanical, systemic and emotional function/wellbeing. CST is useful both as a primary treatment method and in combination with other traditional (physiotherapy) or complementary (massage) therapeutic techniques.
The Therapeutic Value of the Craniosacral System
CST has been used successfully to relieve numerous health problems, including: Migraines Neck and back pain TMJ dysfunction Chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia ADD/ADHD PTSD (see video of Vietnam Veterans who had CST) Central nervous system disorders and many others Because it’s so gentle, it’s been proven effective for all ages, from the newborn to elders.
The Therapeutic Value of the Craniosacral System
CST has been used successfully to relieve numerous health problems, including: Migraines Neck and back pain TMJ dysfunction Chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia ADD/ADHD PTSD (see video of Vietnam Veterans who had CST) Central nervous system disorders and many others Because it’s so gentle, it’s been proven effective for all ages, from the newborn to elders.
CST for adults
Migraines and Headaches
Neck and back pain
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction
Chronic fatigue
PTSD (see video of Vietnam Veterans who had CST)
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Chronic Pain and Stress
Depression and Emotional Trauma
CST for Babies and Infants
Sleepless and Crying Babies
Infant Colic and Constipation
Infant reflux and vomiting
Breastfeeding issues
Tongue Tie
Hyperactive children
Attention/learning disorders
Infantile Disorders
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Speech and Language Impairments
Learning Impairments and Disabilities
Plagiocephaly (Misshapen Head)

Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children
Eastern philosophy talks of life having four sufferings: birth, old age, sickness and death. Of these our passage into this world is amongst the first of many complex life experiences. It is certainly a challenge for the mother, but this is no less than the shock and long-term effects in store for the child. Everything that happens to us is potentially a trauma. The birth process can lead to restrictions that may be carried throughout life. Craniosacral therapy is a safe effective therapy for infants and children as well as adults.
When to treat Babies and Infants
Put very simply, the younger the better, it is never too early to treat. Ideally, the best results can be found with treatment before the age of 5. After this learned adaptations and compensations can establish themselves.
Colic is a typical example of a birth-caused problem. Experience of craniosacral practitioners suggests that the factors which may cause colic include:
A difficult delivery - particularly in cases of forceps or ventouse delivery
Residual shock due to (e.g.) the umbilical cord being cut before the baby is ready to breathe on its own.
CST is one method of helping the baby to clear its system of birth traumata, and a check-up treatment after the first 2 weeks of birth is always useful, even if there is no apparent problem.
CST and issues around birth - a summary
Craniosacral Therapy is particularly useful in many ways for the whole process of birthing and childbearing - both for the baby and the mother. A brief summary of the areas it is commonly used in is provided below...
1 Mobility of ovaries and uterus
Mobility of pituitary
Other things which might reduce ability to conceive: migraines, blocked sinuses
General stress reduction and self-help techniques for relaxation
2 Pregnancy term/antenatal:
Pelvic pain
Mobility of uterus to ensure that the baby is more likely to engage in the correct way
Release of trapped or crushed soft organs around the womb
General stress management, postural work
Effect of administered drugs during the birth process (e.g. pethidine, epidural, oxytocin, gas and air)
3 Postnatal: Mother
Release of scar tissue from caesarean and episiotomies/tearing/ forceps bruising, including loss of sensation in skin and/or bladder problems - this can all be done fully clothed with skin contact only necessary on the abdomen/belly
Release of damage to coccyx or pelvis during birth
Release of any damage caused by epidurals (may cause local back pain or headaches)
All the above not only help immediately after the birth, but can help to prevent illnesses which might subsequently begin up to 20 or 30 years afterwards due to accumulation of immobile tissue round local adhesions
Release of shock / assistance with Post-Natal depression
4 Postnatal: baby
Relief from colic and other distress symptoms (including floppy unresponsive babies)
May be able to treat some cases of cerebral palsy (better results with rigid type CP)
Treatment of malformed cranium due to excessively long engagement, forceps or ventouse
Treatment of mother - about 40% of babies' "symptoms" are a result of the mother being unable to cope (or being in pain or something else not being quite right) rather than the baby itself having a problem - treating BOTH the baby and the mother usually sorts out any distress the baby might be experiencing
Unusual back-arching or stiffness - or inability to lie on front and initiate crawling - these often arise due to restrictions around the base of the skull and in the neck - which usually clear very easily with a few CST treatments.